Wednesday Wanderings

Today's Wanderings are a bit more literal than usual... the Ninja Librarian is on vacation, collecting new photos to share, but probably not writing.

As I write this a few days before my departure for Hawai'i, I just want to throw out a few thoughts about the end-game on bringing out a book (for self-publishers). Death By Adverb is on track for release next Wednesday, and here are some of the details I needed to get in order before leaving for my trip:
--Final versions of Kindle, Smashwords, and Createspace (paper) books. This includes the last-minute proofing corrections and all the formatting and separate extra bits for each version.
--Making sure the cover is the right size for the final page count.
--Uploading all those files and sending for a proof copy of the paperback.
--Lining up some release-day bloggers and getting them all the info (I'll post a schedule and links next week!). If you want to get in on this, let me know and I'll send you the info on Monday.
--Actually, I think that about covered it, aside from marketing.

Marketing. I'm not so hot at that. I'll need to do FB posts, Tweets, and... oh, hey, I'm more than overdue for a newsletter! Maybe with a discount code...

What with all that, it's not surprising that I'm not really up on a couple of other things--like any new writing, or deciding about the April A to Z Challenge. It's addictive--I was sure I wasn't going to do it, but with a master sign-up list once again in the offing, it promises to be better this year. Maybe I'll do something simple. I want to talk about writing and my books and find a way to make my usual reviews fit (I have at least 2 scheduled for next month already).

That's about it for my musings, wanderings, and general house-keeping. Any thoughts about A to Z? About releasing books? About whether I should have my head examined for doing either?


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