Writer's update
Hello, my much-neglected bloggy friends! I've been so busy the last couple of weeks that I haven't had time or energy to do anything about writing, let alone blogging. That means I don't have a lot to report here, either! I took a little excursion back into something like full-time work, spending full days doing all the handywoman stuff I could on my daughter's new house, for about 10 days straight. Turns out I'm no longer in my 20s, and that was harder than anticipated. "Beat to the socks" is an expression that seems to capture it pretty well. I'm back home at last, and (having spent a day cleaning up the mess we left here) diving deep into the revisions on Edited Out , Seffi Wardwell's third book. I think this one came together pretty well, and don't foresee any huge revision issues--keep your fingers crossed that this proves true, and I can bring it out by summer. Now that I'm back with my desktop computer, I can also finish editing phot...