A to Z Highlights #4

Last of my A to Z highlights posts, unless I find some more blogs I just have to share in the last 4 days of the month.

For everyone who has ever loved Dilbert or hated work, Words from Sonobe features daily horror stories (or maybe they aren't all horror, just the ones I read?) from work, with a touch of humor.

I've been following My Life in Retirement for quite a while. This A to Z its about books and travel.
And another in a similar category, A Septuagenarian's Ramblings.

Some interesting snippets on writing from Thinky Thoughts...Mostly About Writing.

I'll throw in here the second live-on-board blog that Jemima mentioned last week in my comments: S. V. Cambria. They sail where my brother likes to cruise; wonder if they've ever run into each other! The "V" post is lengthy, but some excellent advice about improving your photos.

Paws 4 Puzzles offers a fun puzzle every day. Looks like the difficulty varies, but they aren't super simple. I'll be hunting through those for entertainment when I'm bored.

Okay, that's enough for today. I'll be going back both to my list to see who I want to follow more actively (I like to see what they do AFTER A to Z) and to the A to Z list to check out more blogs.

I can't say I've managed the level of visiting I'd hoped to do, but I *have* managed to keep up work on my novel during the month, which has not been the case the years I have participated in A to Z. So I'll count my experiment as at least a partial success.

Will I do A to Z next year? Hard to say. I may just go on being a visitor.


Speaking of there being only a few days left in the month, that means just a few days to get Death By Ice Cream for only 99 cents!


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