Dr. Suess's lost stories

This isn't so much a review as a shout-out for all the fans of Seuss's wilder stories. I found the book at my library.

Title:  Horton and the Kwuggerbug and More Lost Stories
Author: Dr. Seuss (Theodore Geisel); introduction by Charles D. Cohen
Publisher: Random House, 2014
Source: Library

This volume contains 4 rather brief stories and an interesting introduction to them. The stories were published in magazines in the early 1950s, and for various reason just never got collected before. The stories are:
Horton and the Kwuggerbug (featuring Horton of Hatches the Egg and Hears a Who fame)
Marco Comes Late (featuring the lead character from And to think that I Saw it on Mulberry Street)
How Officer Pat Saved the Whole Town (I think it's still Mulberry Street)
The Hoobub and the Grinch (featuring an early version of the Grinch, who doesn't look much like the one who stole Christmas, and is really a send-up of the advertising business, where Geisel made his living for a time).

None of these stories is very long; the last one is only just over a page. But they have the classic Seuss illustrations, and Seuss situations.

I of course enjoyed it a lot. I think my favorite was Officer Pat, which like Mulberry Street is something of a paean to the imagination (ditto Marco, but Pat goes farther and does more in this case).

So take a look at your library and if your age is anywhere between 4 and 400, enjoy some Seuss you never read as a kid!

I'm not sure this counts as a review, but I'll put my proper disclaimer in here. Seuss would have appreciated the absurdity, especially the part about him not giving me anything, he being beyond the ability to do so--except to give me the pleasure of his stories, as often as I care to read them.

FTC Disclosure: I checked Horton and the Kwuggerbug out of my library, and received nothing from the writer or publisher in exchange for my honest review.  The opinions expressed are my own and those of no one else.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising." 


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