#AtoZChallenge C is for Crazy Jake Jenkins

Following the suggestion of fellow blogger and amazing author Jemima Pett, I'm doing a very simple A to Z with characters from my writing and the books of my author friends! I'm just posting a brief profile, sometimes a quote, and the book cover with links. Though you may also see some of my typical reviews (when I feature other peoplesā€™ books) and the usual Friday Flash Fiction.

C is for Crazy Jake Jenkins

In a nutshell: Crazy Jake and his buddy Wild Harry Colson are  trouble personified. They get a bit straightened out when the Ninja Librarian comes to town, but even he can't fix their propensity for getting into trouble.
Biggest secret: After years of mocking students and harassing teachers and librarians, Jake has a yen to learn to read.
Favorite saying: "Oops." (He doesn't actually say this in the books, but he's that sort. You can bet he's spent his life saying it).

The series is The Ninja Librarian, with three books, suitable for ages 8 or 9 and up (way up--adults love the books too!).
The Ninja Librarian is a humorous set of tall tales set in the highly fictional gold-country town of Skunk Corners.  Itā€™s the story of a dusty, tough, unfriendly town that gets a new outlook on life thanks to the advent of the Ninja Librarianā€”a mild-mannered librarian who offers his wisdom...with a little extra when folks donā€™t listen.
Amazon Kindle ebook  
Barnes & Noble (Nook or paper)

When Big Al wakes up one morning and finds the Ninja Librarian has left town, everything seems to go wrong.  And just about the time sheā€™s thinking maybe the town can cope after all, he comes back.  After that, itā€™s business as usual in Skunk Corners: bad guys, irritated skunks, and crises big and small that require the Librarianā€™s unique brand of outside-the-box thinking and direct action.
Barnes & Noble paper

Amazon (Kindle)
Smashwords (all ebook formats)

The Ninja Librarianā€™s back in town, schoolā€™s out, and allā€™s right with the worldā€¦or is it? Big Al may be looking forward to spending her time swimming in the creek and wandering the hills, but Peggyā€™s looking forward to a life of drudgery. If Al canā€™t find a way to sway her pa, the brightest kid in Skunk Corners is going to take drastic action. With a mystery from the past haunting one of the houses and creating the biggest threat yet to the town, Big Alā€™s going to be kept busy this summer, and not just with practicing her moves for the Ninja Librarian!


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