#AtoZChallenge A is for Alcion

Before I dive into my post for the letter "A" I thought I should say what I'm up to this month. In fact, I'll probably pop this onto the top of my post each day!
I've struggled some with A to Z in the years I've participated. I don't seem to do very well with prepping in advance, and writing full-length blog posts each day is tough. Last year, I just read and didn't post, which was better than nothing, but I didn't get the participation I wanted on my blog. So I'm back in the game, but keeping it very simple.
Following the suggestion of fellow blogger and amazing author Jemima Pett, I'm doing a very simple A to Z with characters from my writing and the books of my author friends! I'm just posting a brief profile, sometimes a quote, and the book cover with links. On Fridays I'll try to throw in the usual flash fiction, using a main character with the right letter (I was excited to see that X is on a Friday, so look out for Xavier Xanthum, Space Explorer!).
Enough said. Let's get started.
A is for Alcion
I really wanted to start with a more major character, but I also wanted to kick off with one of my own books. So you get Alcion.In a nutshell: King of Alcedor in the world of Halitor the Hero. Alcion is caught in a desperate fight to retake the throne that has been taken by a band of Gathran invaders. He is a pretty good sort, as kings go.
Biggest secret: Not being dead. Because he was supposed to me, and the invaders sort of thought he was.
Favorite quote: "Holy relics of Rambuta, she has a giant at her back!"
Halitor wants to be a Hero and ride through the world rescuing Princesses and Fair Maidens in distress, but heās hindered by a tendency to trip over his own feet and drop his sword when he gets excited. So when his Hero apprentice-master abandons him at an inn in Loria, he resigns himself to life as a kitchen boy. But heās reckoned without Melly, the young kitchen wench. She wants his help finding her father, and she wonāt quit until she has it. Soon Halitor is tramping through the mountains fighting ogres and dragons and just trying to stay alive. Along the way he learns a lot more than just how to be a Hero. This fun fantasy adventure has a good dose of humor and plenty of excitement to keep kids turning pages. Ages 8 and up.
Purchase Links:
KindlePaperback at Amazon
Barnes and Noble--Paper and Nook
Kobo Store
Paperbacks also in the Createspace Store
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