#AtoZChallenge A is for Alcion

Before I dive into my post for the letter "A" I thought I should say what I'm up to this month. In fact, I'll probably pop this onto the top of my post each day!

I've struggled some with A to Z in the years I've participated. I don't seem to do very well with prepping in advance, and writing full-length blog posts each day is tough. Last year, I just read and didn't post, which was better than nothing, but I didn't get the participation I wanted on my blog. So I'm back in the game, but keeping it very simple.

Following the suggestion of fellow blogger and amazing author Jemima Pett, I'm doing a very simple A to Z with characters from my writing and the books of my author friends! I'm just posting a brief profile, sometimes a quote, and the book cover with links. On Fridays I'll try to throw in the usual flash fiction, using a main character with the right letter (I was excited to see that X is on a Friday, so look out for Xavier Xanthum, Space Explorer!).

Enough said. Let's get started.

A is for Alcion

I really wanted to start with a more major character, but I also wanted to kick off with one of my own books. So you get Alcion.
In a nutshell: King of Alcedor in the world of Halitor the Hero. Alcion is caught in a desperate fight to retake the throne that has been taken by a band of Gathran invaders. He is a pretty good sort, as kings go.
Biggest secret: Not being dead. Because he was supposed to me, and the invaders sort of thought he was.
Favorite quote: "Holy relics of Rambuta, she has a giant at her back!"


Halitor wants to be a Hero and ride through the world rescuing Princesses and Fair Maidens in distress, but heā€™s hindered by a tendency to trip over his own feet and drop his sword when he gets excited. So when his Hero apprentice-master abandons him at an inn in Loria, he resigns himself to life as a kitchen boy. But heā€™s reckoned without Melly, the young kitchen wench. She wants his help finding her father, and she wonā€™t quit until she has it. Soon Halitor is tramping through the mountains fighting ogres and dragons and just trying to stay alive. Along the way he learns a lot more than just how to be a Hero. This fun fantasy adventure has a good dose of humor and plenty of excitement to keep kids turning pages.  Ages 8 and up.

Purchase Links:
Paperback at Amazon
Barnes and  Noble--Paper and Nook
Kobo Store
Paperbacks also in the Createspace Store


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