#Fin50 Blessing in Disguise


Last Monday of the month, and that means it's time for Fiction in 50. Blessing in Disguise is this month’s prompt from Bruce Gargoyle in his Fiction in Fifty (Fi50) meme.  You can join in this fun communal story-telling any time you like, and post any time during the month.

Because Bruce is taking a haitus from blogging, I am working on taking over managing this blog hop. For now, drop in here and link to your own story, and see the remaining prompts below.

I've up a page for the party.

Blessing in Disguise

“I can’t come. Too much work, and my car’s in the shop.”

“Bummer! Growing up sucks, doesn’t it?”

Kara hung up, agreeing with Marla. She wanted to join the others at the beach house for the weekend.

When the first one died of the unknown disease, Kara thanked her car.

©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2017
As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated!

Welcome to Fiction in 50!

The rules for participation are simple!
1. Create a piece of fictional writing in 50 words or less.
That’s it!  But for those who wish to challenge themselves further, here’s an additional rule:

2. Post your piece of flash fiction on your blog or (for those poor blog-less souls) add it as a comment on the Ninja Librarian's post for everyone to enjoy. I usually post mine on the last Monday of the month, unless the month ends on Monday.
And for those thrill-seekers who really like to go the extra mile (ie: perfectionists):

3. Add the nifty little picture above to your post (credit for which goes entirely to ideflex over at acrossthebored.com) or create your own Fi50 meme pic….
and 4. Link back here so others can jump on the mini-fic bandwagon!

Prompts for the second half of 2017 are as follows – suggestions for new or alternative prompts are always welcome! Posts can go up any time during the week (or entire month – we’re not fussy!) beginning the following dates:

The week beginning:

August 28…Blessing in Disguise
September 25…Oops!
October 30…A Piece of Cake
November 27…The Worst that Could Happen
December 25…Joy in Abundance

You’re welcome to pick your own topics or go along with the ones above.
Previous Prompts (2017)
January 30 Moving with the Times
February 27 A Marriage of Convenience
March 27 Lucky Charms
April 24 When One Door Shuts
May 29 That Old Wive’s Tale
June 26 A Change in the Weather
July 24…After Dinner


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