Writer's Wednesday: NaNo Update #3

... And a Happy Thanksgiving!


With only four days left in the official NaNo month, how's your writing? I've hit the "winner" mark and kept going. I feel like I've been struggling with the book, though I've been able to hit my word goal almost every day. The strange thing is... I've been getting those words in the evening. I have always believed myself to be a morning person, and that I'm usually pretty much incapable of thought by evening. And yet here I've been, day after day frittering away my mornings, and finally sitting down in the evenings and writing like a mad thing. And it works.

So am I no longer a morning person? Or has procrastination reached a new peak?

As for the outline that was going to make it a breeze, well, I am still more or less on the outline but the writing is coming hard in any case.

Around 57,000 words
Attended three write-ins, where the peer pressure really helped
Several gallons of coffee.

 Don't forget--sign up for my newsletter by Dec. 15 (top right on this page) and get a free copy of the sweet Pismawallops PTA novella, The Christmas Question


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