I have struggled a bit with looking at and selecting photos to continue sharing with you all. Not because I don't want to share them--I do. Photos are meant to be shared. It's just kind of hard right now to look at that other life. But I decided I could do it, with less commentary, but remembering the good times. It helps in a way that on most of these outings Dave and I were in separate groups. (For those who wonder, it's because I got ready much faster, and once dressed for outdoors in Antarctica, staying in the ship wasn't an option!)
This was Day 4 along the Antarctic Peninsula, where we spent the morning doing both a landing and a zodiac cruise at Portal Point. This was a whales, seals, and snow morning! I was in the group that landed first, then cruised, and it started snowing shortly after we landed. By the time the zodiac cruise ended, it was raining, and the weather worsened enough we didn't have an afternoon outing. I'll just share the photos with minimal captions and let you enjoy the amazing world that is still out there, somewhere beyond the COVID Curtain.
These guys were the welcome crew by the landing--a pair of crab eater seals, IIRC.
Seals on land are pretty funny!
Big wet snowflakes
As we approached the landing.
X marks the spot... for something? The pattern is from wave erosion suggesting several roll-overs.
We'd seen whales swimming and breaching from the shore, and it didn't take long for a closer look.
My best shot of a breaching whale--a little fuzzy due to excitement and a wobbly boat.
As photos go, this is awful--but I wanted to show the huge splash when the whale came back down!
Today's gratuitous penguins. If we'd returned to Ushuaia as intended, I might have bought one of these!
All images and text ©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2020, unless otherwise indicated.
As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated!
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