
Showing posts from January, 2021

Flashback Friday: Take the Kids Outside

This post is from 2015, but the retrospective photos date back, in at least some cases, to 1998 when our first-born was a toddler. The message still seems completely relevant. Maybe I should do a second edition, showing our boys as teens and now adults, enjoying the outdoors with the family. (Oh, and yes, I know this Friday post is on Saturday. I consider knowing what day of the week it is a triumph!) [Apparently I'd made some kind of plan to spiff up the blog, something I do on a regular basis--make the plans, that is, not necessarily carry them through] In keeping with my new blog plan, instead of a book review, today I'm doing a sort of a trip review...a few shots of the kids enjoying the outdoors through the years, in hopes of reminding folks that there's no gift for the kids like taking them outside. I apologize for some of the photos--many of these pre-date our digital photography, and not all the scans turned out well. Start them right from the beginning. Rememb...

A Visit From Author Chrys Fey

I'm exited to have Chrys Fey here today to talk about her new book, #6 in the "Disaster Crimes" series. She's shared some background on the book and other important news! Here's the beautiful cover to start with: Here's what I asked Chrys: Why did you give Disaster Crimes Book 6 a different title from the rest of the series ( Hurricane Crimes , Seismic Crimes , etc.)? Chrys Fey’s Answer: Book 6 of the Disaster Crimes series is titled A Fighting Chance because it’s featuring a different couple than the previous 5 books and it can be read as a standalone. Thorn and Amanda are the main characters in A Fighting Chance . The previous (unlucky) couple was Beth and Donovan, whom we followed from Hurricane Crimes (Book 1) to Frozen Crimes (Book 5). With a different couple as the focus, I didn’t want to continue the title trend by having the word “Crimes” paired with a word for the disaster that takes place. If I were to do that, readers could...

Photo Friday: Cueva de Las Manos

In February 2020--remember those days when we could still travel and move about?--my husband, brother-in-law, and I traveled through Patagonia. I'm starting to be able to go through those photos again and share some. I have used more of my husband's photos than I have in the past, in part because they are better than mine, and in part so that his talent can be shared. One of our early stops on an 11-day, 1600-mile road trip on both sides of the Chile-Argentina border, was the Cueva de Las Manos (Cave of the Hands), a UNESCO World Heritage Site established in 1999. In a canyon carved by the Rio Pinturas into the basalt, a lengthy section of overhang (not really a cave) is covered with thousands of pictographs, primarily the silhouettes of hands. The drive down Argentina's Ruta 40 over the Patagonia steppe felt a lot like driving minor backroads through the US Southwest. At least it, unlike the 17-miles road to the cave, was mostly paved (though we learned to read at least th...

Writer's Wednesday

 Not much to report this week. The collections are coming along, and I have begun processing feedback from my Beta readers for Death By Donut. I don't think I'll need to make any major changes, but some good points were brought up that I do want to address. And the cover is ready! I'm going to do a reveal Feb. 3, so if you want to participate, let me know and I'll send the info! I'm thinking that should give me enough time to get the pre-order pages up, and bravely set a release date--a deadline I've been afraid to set so far. I think it's time. The Wizard Libraries and Dragon Archives collection is just waiting on some more proof-reading, and will be joining Missing Snow and Strange Drinks: Tavern Tales Short and Tall any day now. Maybe the most exciting thing for me as a writer is that "Accountability dates" are working, and I'm at least working well on those two days, with some carry-over to other days.

Photo Friday: Sunsets

  Today's photo treat is a few local sunsets. These are all simple cell-phone shots, since I don't usually carry my camera when out for a walk, so not necessarily the top quality you deserve. And I can't resist throwing in just one more, from a more exotic location. Thanks for visiting!  ©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2021  As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated.

Writer's Wednesday: Accountability

 Last week, I started something new: "Accountability" meetings. A writer friend invited me to be part of her accountability group, which entails a bit of Zooming during a morning dedicated to work--in other words, someone to be accountable to. After admittedly only one session, I have high hopes that this may help me move back into being a writer in a more meaningful sense. Our first session induced me to work on writing projects--mostly editing those short stories, some work on book covers, and answering a couple of writing-related emails--for a full three hours. What this session made clear is that once I get to the computer and start working, I'm good. I feel good while I'm working, and I can lose myself in the work. Here's hoping I can sustain that, for the two days a week I've signed on for, at any rate! So far, I don't seem to be able to find that level of discipline without the external supports. Still, the third of my flash-fiction e-collections is...

Nonfiction Audiobook: Labyrinth of Ice

 I used the hardback cover image because the Goodreads image for the audiobook was really lousy! Title: Labyrinth of Ice: The Triumphant and Tragic Greely Polar Expedition Author: Buddy Levy. Read by Will Damron Publication Info: Audible Audio 2019, 13 1/4 hours. Hardback St. Martin's Press, 2019. 400 pages.  Source: Library digital resources Blurb (Goodreads):  In July 1881, Lt. A.W. Greely and his crew of 24 scientists and explorers were bound for the last region unmarked on global maps. Their goal: Farthest North. What would follow was one of the most extraordinary and terrible voyages ever made. Greely and his men confronted every possible challenge—vicious wolves, sub-zero temperatures, and months of total darkness—as they set about exploring one of the most remote, unrelenting environments on the planet. In May 1882, they broke the 300-year-old record, and returned to camp to eagerly await the resupply ship scheduled to return at the end of the year. Only ...

Photo Friday: Reflections

What better theme for the first photo post of the year than reflections! I'm not going to reflect on 2020--that hot mess of a year is just too hard to look at. Nope, I'm going for literal reflections, of beautiful trees in beautiful water. I hope my photos give you a little space of calm in this crazy time. All of these photos were taken at the One-Mile pool in Bidwell Park, Chico, CA. Love how those trees make a perfect X--or a perfect diamond. This one may take some study--it's the reflection of the bridge rail where the water goes over the sluice gate. All images and text ©Rebecca M. Douglass, unless otherwise indicated. As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated!

IWSG: What Makes Me Stop Reading?

It's time for the monthly IWSG posting!  Purpose:   To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds! Posting:   The first Wednesday of every month is officially   Insecure Writer’s Support Group   day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time - and return comments. This group is all about connecting! Let’s rock the neurotic writing world! Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG.    January 6 question - Being a writer, when you're reading someone else's work, what stops you from finishing a book/throws you out...

Middle Grade Classics: Seacrow Island

  Title: Seacrow Island Author: Astrid Lindgren Publication Info: Kindle Edition NYR Children's Collection, 2015. First English edition, Viking Books for Young Readers, 1969 (original Swedish publication 1964). 287 pages. Source: Library digital services Goodreads Blurb: Tiny Seacrow Island is one of hundreds of islands in the sparkling blue of the Baltic Sea. Though small, it has everything you’d want in an island: woods to wander in, flowers to pick, fish to catch, boats to sail in, all kinds of animals. But it doesn’t have very many young people. So when the four Melkerson kids and their father move into Carpenter’s Cottage one June day, they’re immediately welcomed by the resourceful islanders: Johan and Niklas Melkerson, at twelve and thirteen, are natural companions for adventurous Freddy and Teddy (girls exactly their age); dreamy Pelle, the baby of the family, gets up to trouble with bossy Tjorven and fanciful Stina; and ever-responsible Malin, who at nineteen loo...