#IWSG: Writer update and reader reactions

It's the first Wednesday of the month--time for the Insecure Writer's Support Group. Read all about it here. I missed last month because I was rafting the Grand Canyon, so I have a large collection of writerly insecurities to share this time!

The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer's Support Group day. Members post on our blogs, discussing our doubts and fears, struggles and triumphs. We visit each other and offer a word of encouragement for those who are struggling, or cheer for those with a success to celebrate. 

Today's the day--Let's rock the neurotic writing world! 

The awesome co-hosts for the May 5 posting of the IWSG are Erika Beebe, PJ Colando, Tonja Drecker, Sadira Stone, and Cathrina Constantine!

We also have an optional monthly question, and we'll get to that later. First, the writer report.

I'm happy to report that I managed one submission--and one rejection--in April(well, March/April). I'm trying not to lose confidence in the story, after only 3 rejections, but it's hard not to start second-guessing myself.

More to the point, with Release Day for Death By Donut coming up fast, I have managed to finish the ebook MSS and am working on the print versions. I also wrote three guest posts and three interviews for the blog tour, which starts May 16 (release day). I'm pretty pleased with my progress, since I arrived home from my trip April 22, and had fairly major surgery on the 28th, which hasn't left a lot of time for writing work. I'm recovering well, and sitting at the computer is fast becoming comfortable enough to accomplish something, so I'm starting to have expectations again. 

My hope for May is simply to get the book out, do a reasonable level of promotion, and keep sending my story out. Oh, and I really need to do some work on my blog. In fact, one bit of that work has been done--since Feedburner is shutting down, I have set up a new email feed for people who want to follow the blog. If you've been following by email, please sign up again--you will stop getting notices from Feedburner soon!

The optional IWSG question:
Has any of your readers ever responded to your writing in a way you didn't expect? If so, did it surprise you?

I think I'll just say that my insecure little self is surprised a bit every time someone responds with enthusiasm, even though that's the reaction I want and hope for! How about you?  


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