Writer Update: Submissions, writing, and planning

Time for a quick reality check on the writer.

I haven't reported on submissions for a while, so here goes:

May: 2 submissions

June: 1 submission

2 rejections, one outstanding.
I need to do a reality check on one story, which has about 6 rejections. Might be fine, might be deluding myself. It's SF--if anyone wants to take a read, let me know and I'll appreciate your feedback.

I also need to write some more stories just for submission and stop sharing everything here on the blog! Lately the only short stories I've written have been for blog-hop prompts.

Writing and planning/plotting:
Progress on the new book/series is finally starting to happen, though much of what I'm doing now may just be exercises to get the juices flowing, or even pure procrastination. But the plot/"outline" for the new book is taking shape at least a little. To help matters along (and/or to feel like I'm writing even if I'm not), I've been writing an extensive biography of my main character, Seffi Wardwell. I'm learning a lot about her, and have just about reached the point where the books begins.

In addition to all this, I've written two flash fiction pieces in June and am up to Part 5 on the Grand Canyon raft trip report. 

Since I'm currently visiting my mom and other Seattle area friends, any writing at all is to be considered a bonus, shoehorned in between hikes and gab-fests.

At this point the plan is to start drafting the novel the 1st of July, a totally arbitrary date that I hope will help me stop spinning my wheels and start producing bad prose and a mess of a plot.


A fine distraction


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