More hiking... less writing.

But not zero writing! I have continued to write every day when camped in the front country, and the novel is now nearing 65K. I took a break while backpacking this week, but came up with a vision (I think) for where it goes from here more or less to the end. Since that vision was developed while hiking at over 11,000', I will believe it when it actually works out on paper!

For those who are wondering, the new book is a new heroine, new setting, and as yet lacks a title. I'm just calling it Seffi's Book for now. More updates on that when inspiration strikes!

We are enjoying three nights of front-country camping, then four more of backpacking, before I head home and try to tie up the loose ends. By the time we end the trip, I expect to be over 70K words and have the end in sight--today is a total rest day, so a good writing day (well, rest, groceries, laundry, and a few other errands, but mostly entertaining ourselves).

Here are a few more teaser photos from the cell phone.

Looking back toward Brainerd Lake on a beautiful dayhike out of Big Pine.

Not sure which kind of pine this was, on the Brainerd Lake trail.

We also went up into the White Mountains and visited my old friends the bristlecone pines.

Growing roots wherever they can, and clinging to life in the most unlikely places, the bristlecones can live more than 4000 years (we know that, because some still living are more than that old). This one might have given up the fight, but if a tree has even one little strip of bark continuous to one green branch, it's alive and well.

When the trees, or parts of a tree, die, the wood is eroded by wind, sand, and blowing snow, and inhabited by various bacteria that turn the wood beautiful colors. Bristlecones that have grown in difficult places are so strong and tough that the wood of downed trees erodes, more than it rots.

We have now just returned from 3 nights backpacking up Pine Creek near Bishop, CA, up to the most amazing alpine basin called Granite Park.

Looking up toward the second day's goal, nestled below those pointy peaks.

Morning in Granite Park. Although the wind nearly blew us out of there the previous afternoon, in the morning we got just enough calm for some reflections. I didn't remember the cell phone until the best light and conditions were past, so you'll have to wait for the really good photos :D

Of course, every good backpack trip deserves a good post-hike dinner. In this case, chicken pesto pizza and beer in Mammoth.

Carry on, reader and writer friends, and I'll work on a full trip report in a week or a bit. I've got a couple of books to report on, too--might even get one of those done before I hike again.

 ©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2021
 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated.

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