Writer's Update: Submissions, editing, and other messes

"Messy" does seem the best way to describe most aspects of my life just now. Personally, I've been very distracted by moving my younger son out into his own new adult life (along with a certain amount of my furniture...) and preparing for my own upcoming move in a couple of months. That's caused a lot of literal mess as I sort and discard, and pull my things off shelves in a hurry when we decided he would take this or that dresser or bookcase.

Submissions have been slow, but I do currently have two stories out. It took a lot of looking for find a place to send one of them; if you know of markets for lighthearted fantasy basically for kids/YA (though it's not explicitly non-adult), let me know in the comments!

And the novel? When I'm not too distracted by moving, it's actually coming along. I'm nearly done creating the new outline, and will start drafting the new version as soon as that is done--hopefully by the weekend. It's a mess, but one I have hopes of re-creating in a less-messy form.

So there you are--the writer is writing, even if not as much or as effectively as I'd like. But that I am doing it at all is a little amazing, and totally thanks to my Accountability group--thank you Debby et al!

And if I could write in a freezing Nepali hotel while conversing with other trekkers, I can do it surrounded by my own chaos!

Thanks to fellow-traveler Karen Grove for this shot of me writing in the coldest lodge ever.

 Ā©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2022
 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated.
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  1. You are so good! I haven't even managed the writephoto this week. Staying up late with miniscule amendments to my paperback file is my excuse - and I'm exhausted by the whole thing. Maybe I need a holiday. Or a move. Or something other than writing/editing.
    I'm looking forward to your volume of Travellers Tales!


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