Writer's Wednesday: Retreat!

I am off in the morning for my very first Artist Residency, at Playa Summerlake in Oregon. I'm excited about this 5-day retreat, and hope to be able to get some good work done.

Since I'm making progress (slower than hoped, but not so bad) on my rewrite of A Coastal Corpse (I am starting to bond with that title), I want to keep that up, but I am also committed to a work of short fiction that I have been toying with. Plans for that are still less clear than they should be, but we shall see.

Here are the stats: I've written about 1600 words a day on average in the last month, with a couple of missed days. That's got me up to 46K, and right about at the midway point in the novel, so I'll have some pruning to do later. I'd like to up that amount as I'd hoped to have the draft finished by now. Reality has intervened. Most years when I've done NaNoWriMo I've been able to hit something more like 2-3K each day, but life has been busy.

Still no submissions for the short stories, mostly due to too little time to research markets as I've run through the easy and obvious ones.

I stole some quiet hours along the Sacramento River this weekend, though. Here are a couple of photos to remind us all that there is tranquility somewhere out there.

Now, I need to go pack!


©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2022
 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated.
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  1. Have a great time in Oregon, and I hope you get the other one, too :)
    As for me - I may be taking a sabbatical.

    1. There is a big disconnect between my writing, which is going pretty well, and my sales, which make me wonder why I bother. But for now, it's what I do.


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