#WritePhoto: Wreath


Photo by KL Caley

Participating in the weekly #WritePhoto blog hop at KL Caley's New2Writing blog.

This week I did an exactly 100 word drabble (exclusive of the title).




“It’s a beautiful door,” she said.


“Historic, if you ask me,” he replied.


“And the wreath—it’s a nice touch.”


“Meant to be welcoming, I suppose.”


“Why don’t I feel welcome?”


They stood in the courtyard and studied the door, wondering what was wrong about the door.


“How do you open it,” she asked.


“There’s a latch thingie in the middle,” he pointed out.


“There’s a wreath hanging over both doors,” she pointed out.


“They open in. Just push it open and walk in.” He demonstrated, stifling cries of pain as his face encountered the prickly circlet of pine boughs.




Hope you enjoyed a little laugh there!



©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2022
 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated.
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  1. I did! I laughed so loud the guinea pigs woke up!

  2. mansplaining at its finest! LOL

  3. Haha - brilliant Rebecca. I think we've all had one of these moments too. Thank you so much for joining in with #writephoto. KL <3


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