Photo Friday: A few highlights from the Alpine Lakes

I returned just over a week ago from 8 days on the Pacific Crest Trail through Washington's Alpine Lakes Wilderness. Naturally I haven't even edited 5% of the pictures, so I just picked a few to share and did a quick clean-up on them as a teaser. It may be a few weeks before I get back to editing these and get a full report out, since I'm heading out again, this time for a road trip with camping, hiking, and backpacking! This is one of the times of year when I don't care to sit at home.

My brother-in-law snapped this one for me at the start point. Yes, I really do have everything I need for 8 days in that pack, including food. Carrying water for a few hours.

Glacier Peak looking bare of ice, and the first hints of trouble to come, lurking in the valleys off that way.

The pika may be my favorite animal in the world.

A tidy and respectable camp scene.

Alternatively, we have my entire kit spread out on the rocks as I prepare to pack up.

Yes, Stinklet was along for the ride!

My third morning out I woke to an unwelcome change: smoke from the fires to the north of us had moved in.

It did make the mountains more mystical, large, and unknowable.

Happily, 3 mornings later I woke to this:

Spectacle Lake

I promise eventually you'll get the full report!

Meanwhile, did you know that A Coastal Corpse is out? Paperback is live, and the large-type edition should be live any minute now (delayed as I made a couple of tweaks to the info so it's obvious that it's large type).

Here's the purchase info: 


Amazon Kindle

Amazon Paperback:

Amazon Large Type:


iTunes (Apple Store):



©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2023
 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated.
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