Writer's Wednesday, Happy Solstice, and a break coming up

Happy Solstice! Somewhere in the next 24 hours the days start getting longer (for us in the north) or shorter (for you folks south of the equator). Winter Solstice is a favorite of mine, because I'm not a huge fan of the dark days of winter and though nothing changes in a hurry, from here we are on our way back to light.

Last week I reflected on my NaNo experience, and I believe noted that I was kind of burned out and struggling to keep writing after 40 intense days. That's still kind of true--I've dropped my characters in the middle of the short story was I crafting, because I simply can't seem to make the story gel in my mind. I'm not giving up--but I am letting things percolate in hopes that the glimpses I've gotten of how it works out will turn into a clearer vision so I can write.

Meanwhile, I've had a LOT of business to tend to, personal and writer-related. I've managed to send out my newsletter (see sign-up box in the side-bar if you want to get it and the coupons I send out, as well as a free story from Pismawallops Island, where my PTA Mysteries take place), deal with a few blog posts, and of course get my books set up for the Smashwords End of Year Sale (#SmashwordsEoYSale).

At this point, I'm hoping to get another photo post out for Friday (but don't hold your breath), then probably won't be heard from again until after New Years. Just in case--here's wishing you good holidays, whichever and whatever you choose to celebrate.

Morning light with all that promises.


Ā©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2023ā€Ø As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated.ā€ØDon't miss a post--Follow us! 


  1. Where's the side bar with the sign-up box?

    1. In desktop mode, it's on the left side. On a mobile device, tap the three bars top left and it will appear.


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