Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024: IWSG Post and Year in Review

It's the first Wednesday of the month--of the year!--and time for the IWSG post.


 Why? The IWSG is here to share and encourage, to offer a place for authors to admit their insecurities and offer help and support to each other.

How? The official IWSG posting day is the first Wednesday of every month. Hop around the list and see who has worries, triumphs, and news to share.

 Every month we have an optional question to spark discussion. 

Our motto: 
Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!

Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG.

The awesome co-hosts for the January 3 posting of the IWSG are Joylene Nowell Butler, Olga Godim, Diedre Knight, and Natalie Aguirre!

Every month, we announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say. 

Optional January 3 question: Do you follow back your readers on BookBub or do you only follow back other authors?

Since I don't use BookBub (sadly lack even a real understanding of what it is), I'm not answering the question. Instead, I'm using this opportunity to reflect on the past year and set some goals for the next one.

My Writing Life:
I feel like my writing finally got back on track this year. I had a devil of a time revising A Coastal Corpse to satisfaction, but it came out in early September and I'm pretty excited about the new series! I drafted the second book of the series over a year ago, and this year used NaNo to draft book 3. I've begun revisions on #2--Washed Up With the Tide--and my cover artist is working on the cover. I hope to bring that out by early summer!

My work on short stories didn't go as well, but I'm not dropping that goal. I WILL get another story or two out there, and keep trying until I sell them.

I'm debating about applying for writer residencies, as I have so much time away planned with various trips that I may prefer to write at home.

My Reading Life:
Honestly, I'm a little disappointed in myself here. I've got 78 books on Goodreads, with a fair number of re-reads I didn't count. I'm definitely still into re-reading for comfort. I've been doing a little more exploration in SF and fantasy, but read very few middle grade books this year. Lots of non-fiction, though--40 of those books were non-fiction, mostly of the memoir/personal philosophy sort, with a fair bit of environmentalism thrown in. That seems to be where I am enjoying reading new books.

In 2023 I'd like to see myself giving more new stories a chance, but am also happy to keep on reading random history, natural history, outdoor adventures, and whatever you call books like Wintering and Mountains of the Mind.

My Year in Book Titles

As a final fun wrap-up to my reading year, I'm taking on this challenge issued by Jemima Pett, a game started by the Bookshelf Gargoyle. Some of these books I've reviewed, some I haven't. I'm putting in links where I have reviews; all the books used were worth reading.

So far, I would describe this year as being: A Wild Idea*

I’m tipping that the next big thing in Reality TV shows will be: 3 Times Lucky

I could have cried about: Disappointment River*

I would love to have some respite from: Mountains of the Mind

The most unexpected thing that happened this year involved: Death in the Spotlight

My non-bookish friends would say I am: Wintering

My motto for 2024 will be: The Electricity of Every Living Thing

I am most looking forward to: Lands of Lost Borders**

A recurring dream I’ve had this year features: Lessons in Chemistry***

If you looked under my couch you would see: What Stars are Made Of

If I could no longer blog, I would probably pursue a career in: The Outermost House

Something most people don’t know about me is: My Child Is Transgender

*Not yet reviewed; might get there in the next few weeks

**I am surprised I didn't review this, but it's been too long now

***Everyone and their uncle has reviewed this, so I didn't

Thanks to anyone who made it this far through this long post! Please share your thoughts, including about BookBub, in the comments!

©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2024
 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated.
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  1. It's great that you're into a good writing groove. I'm getting back into mine too. And I don't think you should be disappointed in yourself about your reading. You're reading a lot. It's great to try new genres but you should read what you enjoy reading.

    1. Sometimes I just need a story that I know by heart. It's safe :)

  2. Set up your BookBub author profile just to have another place to showcase your books. Beyond that, you don't have to do much :-) I did a post about it a couple of years ago, and it should still be relevant on how to set up your account: Adding BookBub to Your Author Toolbox

    I read Wintering (after I saw you did!) and I think it is somewhere between self-help and memoir :-)

    Ronel visiting for IWSG day An Author’s Goals for 2024

    1. I must check out that post, Ronel!

    2. THanks for the tip, and also for the apt descriptor for Wintering. Ironically, I read part of it while sweltering in the bottom of the Grand Canyon, but I was learning there to do what she talks about: just sit and listen.

  3. I'd forgotten I had it until this month! It used to be my favorite writer tool when I started out. Need to give it a second chance . . . It's always a good idea to cast a wide net . . . then not to forget to pull it in once in a while!

    1. I just struggle with the time it takes away from actual writing. Social media can be such a black hole!

    2. And argh! Blogger is being snotty again and I couldn't comment on your blog--you make a good case for me to get to BookBub and see what's what.

  4. Yes, BookBub... not that high in my consciousness despite having joined it to promote ZR (I think). I know I have comments on your dragon tory, and I think you sent me something else. It would be easier to Facetime it, since I'm having trouble typing still :)

    1. PS Dragon tory... now that would be a good twist

  5. Haven't used BookBub before either but now giving it a try.
    I like re-reading books too. It always amazes me how sometimes you can pick up something new though you've read the book before.
    2023 was definitely a getting back my writing groove year. And it's all thanks to the random wheel idea I had and used for NaNoWriMo 2022. It worked so well for last year that I'm doing it again this year.

    1. I'm heading over to your blog in hopes of learning about the random wheel idea!

  6. That's cool you have a couple books in the works.
    Don't worry, I'd say most people today didn't know about BookBub.

    1. Good to know I'm not the only one. But it's looking like something I should explore, especially as I have pretty much dropped out of Goodreads.

  7. It seems to me you've accomplished a lot, and now that you're back in your writing groove again, I think you're at 100%. Have a great and productive 2024, Rebecca.

    My new address:

    1. Thanks, Lee! I'm feeling pretty good about my writing, though I really want to find a way to get more short stories out there. Seems like the best way to get my name out, not to mention they pay at least a little :)

  8. Love your 'Year in Book Titles'. I want to do it too, but it's too late now. Maybe in the end of 2024.

    1. It's never too late! ANd I don't get credit for it--I'll give that to Jemima.

  9. I have a BookBub account, but I'm not sure what to do with it.

    1. Seems like there are a lot of us. I don't *think* I've ever made an account, but...

  10. Book Bub Must investigate. and go back to goodreads too, ... crazy to be scared off because somebody got back to me . Did they think **** meant something else ? Surelyn not ?
    - Newbie, still so much to learn, and last year, hope of NaNo - real November barged in,
    but I did make progress taking an old draft apart, making something new -( suggests clothes and leftovers ) Friends urging me to come to substack,
    Anonymously esther o'neill, east of the sun. no google account, no phone signal - IT black hole, just below Scotland. ,

  11. I read ten books! My favorite: A Coastal Corpse.


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