Photo Friday: October in Maine

In keeping with the lag between when I do a trip and when I have the photos ready to share, this Friday post is late. If we're lucky, it's still Friday.

Back in October, I flew back to Maine for my more or less annual visit to a good friend and the autumn color. I nailed it for fun times with friends; the color was less inspiring. We may have missed the peak by a week, but it also just wasn't a very good year for it. 

The bulk of my visit was spent in a wonderful cabin on Webb Lake, near Mt. Blue State Park (we stayed there last year, too). The weather was a bit unsettled, but there was still opportunities for nice hikes, and dawn and dusk on the lake were worth it all by themselves.

One of dozens of sunrise shots from the dock. One thing I like about spring and fall trips: I don't actually have to get up early to see the sunrise.

Over in the State Park we found a tranquil forest and modest color.


We also found running and falling water.

And we were practically dive-bombed by a Great Blue Heron.

On the slopes of Blue Mountain we found a few long views.
This former field offered glimpses of Webb Lake and views of Tumbledown Mountain, where I did some of my hiking.

Three more hikes took some of us to different summits and high places. The first hike, meant to go up Tumbledown Mtn, we cut a bit short as wind and rain squalls hit hard just as we reached the alpine. Other hikes did better.

Nearby Bald Mountain was a short but steep climb that offered a nice workout, some views, and great rocks.

Note sunshine and blue sky--not something we got a lot of this time.

On a less sunny day I soloed Little Jackson Mountain, which offered more great views and great rocks.

A berry to add a flash of color in the grey landscape above the trees.

Webb Lake below Jackson Mtn. Those clouds rained on me before I got back to the car.
And between, we had the tranquility of the lake.

Back in Brunswick before flying home, I got out in the woods some, yielding a few more colorful shots and some great fungus. I also spent some time out by the water, working on a collection of photos to help me envision Seffi Wardwell's home a little better--though on my next visit I need to get up beyond Acadia to really get the feel of her coast.

Hope you've enjoyed this reminder of the glories of fall, as we northern-hemisphere types struggle through the dark of winter.

Gratuitous corgi shot. Lily is no hiker, but she is unbearably cute.

 ©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2024
 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated.
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