Weekend Photo Feature: Fall Color on Granite Mountain

Notice the name change? I think the "Photo Friday" feature is more realistically my weekend photo feature, and I shall call it that whichever day or hour it comes out.

This weekend's feature is a stunning day hike I did last fall up Granite Mountain in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness.

The hike is just under 8 miles RT, with nearly 3700' of gain and--more to the point as far as my knees are concerned--loss. It's a popular hike, but not really for the faint of heart. In early October, it also offered some of the best fall color I saw this year. 


We started from the trailhead at 8:15 in the morning, beating the crowds and warm temperatures. The climb begins almost at once, through thick conifer forests.

Fog at the trailhead gave way gradually to sunshine above.

Avalanche chutes are filled with vine maple and other plants turning color.

Once we left the big trees, we climbed for a long way mostly among the vine maples.

Halfmoon framed by vine maple leaves

Eventually we hit treeline, where the color mostly comes from low mountain huckleberry bushes.

Soon Mt. Rainier becomes visible on the southern horizon.

Above the ponds the summit--with the Granite Mtn. Lookout--is visible, but the only sane approach lies around to the "back" of the peak--to the right.

Passing to the north side of the peak gave us views into the heart of the Alpine Lakes Wilderness, including some of the terrain I'd hiked back in August.

A good grunt up a rocky but well-built trail to the lookout rewarded us with 360-degree views.
Puget Sound, still fogged in, and the Olympic Mountains beyond.

Glacier Peak to the north.

And Rainier to the south.

Time for lunch! Then we were faced with the long descent, which had my knees screaming for mercy. I'm working on them--I don't like body parts that don't pull their weight :)  

I am really enjoying being in Seattle where hikes like this are only an hour away.

Enjoy your weekend--warm days and fall colors are but a memory as the NWS predicts at least 5 solid days of overcast and rain!

©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2024
 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated.
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  1. Given how dreary and gray it's been in Michigan, I needed this burst of color.

    1. Glad to help! I feel the same way about our Seattle winter :)


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