Backlist Spotlight: The Ninja Librarian Series

Since I'm off gallivanting and not creating new content, it's time to call out another section of my back-list: the Ninja Librarian series. Skunk Corners. Where it all began, in a way.

The Ninja Librarian wasn't the first book I wrote (far from it, actually, given I started writing at age 6), but it was the first I published. A series of essentially free-standing stories threaded together into a longer story, I wrote much of this book at the library, in the quiet stretches of the evening shift. I just worked that shift in those days, because with two small children at home it was the only time I was free.

The Ninja Librarian is a wholly fictional character. But he does share some characteristics, and most of his looks, with Tom Goward, who was the Head Librarian at Daly City's Westlake Library in those days. And the initial spark for the book came from something he said. 

Now you know.

I wrote the original collection of tales over the course of several years, and two more books took another 4 (I think I did at least one mystery in there, too). 

The books are suitable for ages 8 and up. All the way up.

Click on covers for universal buy links.

He might not look like much, but everything changes when the Ninja Librarian comes to town!

The Ninja Librarian is a humorous set of tall tales set in the highly fictional gold-country town of Skunk Corners.  It’s the story of a dusty, tough, unfriendly town that gets a new outlook on life thanks to the advent of the Ninja Librarian—a mild-mannered librarian who offers his wisdom with a little extra when folks don’t listen.



Al doesn’t much like change... unless it means a hot bath!


When Big Al wakes up one morning and finds the Ninja Librarian has left town, everything seems to go wrong.  And just about the time she’s thinking maybe the town can cope after all, he comes back.  After that, it’s business as usual in Skunk Corners: bad guys, irritated skunks, and crises big and small that require the Librarian’s unique brand of outside-the-box thinking and direct action.


Big Al and the Ninja Librarian can handle almost everything, but will a mathematical girl be too much?

The Ninja Librarian’s back in town, school’s out, and all’s right with the world…or is it? Big Al may be looking forward to spending her time swimming in the creek and wandering the hills, but Peggy’s looking forward to a life of drudgery. If Al can’t find a way to sway her pa, the brightest kid in Skunk Corners is going to take drastic action.

With a mystery from the past haunting one of the houses and creating the biggest threat yet to the town, Big Al’s going to be kept busy this summer, and not just with practicing her moves for the Ninja Librarian.

©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2024
 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated.
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