Mystery Monday: Mystic Pieces, by Ada Bell

When I reviewed The Scry's the Limit by this author (#2 in the series), I said I'd be doubling back to start the series at the beginning. So here's #1!

In the interests of full disclosure, I am in an author's group with Ada Bell and we have beta-read for each other. That doesn't change my opinion of the book.

Title: Mystic Pieces: A Shady Grove Mystery

Author: Ada Bell

Publication Info: 2021, Empress Books. 256 pages.

Source: I bought the book

Publisher's Blurb:
Future scientists don't have visions. Aly's got enough on her plate, with finishing her degree and taking care of her nephew and starting her new job at the antique store while drooling over the owner's gorgeous son. No visions.

Alas, the universe doesn't care what Aly believes. When she turns 21, she starts to feel psychic impressions left on objects. A disorienting power for someone surrounded by antiques. Then cranky customer Earl is killed, and Aly's new boss Olive is the prime suspect. Who hated Earl enough to kill? Police would rather make a quick arrest than investigate, so it's up to Aly to clear Olive's name.

Shady Grove is reeling from the first murder in decades. If Aly can get her hands on the murder weapon, she should be able to solve the crime. Can she learn to control her visions before the killer sets their sights on her?

 My Review:
As with the two other books in this series that I've read, I found this fun, charming, and an easy read. I may have found Aly a little more immature and less interesting than she seems to become later in the series, but that kind of makes sense on all levels.

I loved finding out how the whole thing begins, and Aly's confusion and disbelief over the whole psychic thing is part of what makes this paranormal mystery work for me, since I'm no believer in such powers. Her reactions to her visions are priceless--and wouldn't most of us freak out in those circumstances?

The mystery was well put together, with the clues and the culprit fairly clearly in view all the time (I can't say if I'd have gotten it, because from reading later books in the series I had a pretty clear idea who it had to be). The writing is clear and strong, with main characters well developed and differentiated, while more minor characters are a lot of fun.

My Recommendation:
I continue to think this is a fun series, best suited for those who enjoy a young protagonist (who is only sort of obsessing about boys). A certain level of willing suspension of disbelief is, of course, required to handle the magic stuff.

FTC Disclosure: I purchased Mystic Pieces, and received nothing from the writer or publisher for my honest review.  The opinions expressed are my own and those of no one else.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."  


Ā©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2024ā€Ø As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated.ā€Ø

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