Weekend Photos: Grand Gulch, Bears Ears National Monument

I'll not deny I have some qualms about publicizing this amazing and somewhat over-visited area. I won't be including any precise location information for ruins or pictographs, though that info is out there. This hike was the purpose behind the road trip featured last weekend. After picking up Gretchen at SLC and doing our hike at Little Wild Horse Canyon, we met the other 3 members of the party in the Valley of the Gods, in Bears Ears National Monument. Today we'll focus on the hiking trip, and next week I'll provide a smorgasbord of ruins and rock art. Pre-hike dispersed camping. Not an actual campfire, but a safe gas fire for us to sit around. Because we had to pick up our parking permits and get water info at the ranger station, then leave most of the cars and pile into one for the drive to our start point, we hit the trail at a blazing 10 a.m. Fortunately, the weather was still relatively cool following a very cold front (didn't hurt that the TH was about 520...