Cozy Mystery Review and Author Guest Post: Gone Crazy, by Terry Korth Fisher

Thanks to the author and Great Escapes virtual tours for the chance to read and review this cozy mystery.

Gone Crazy (Rory Naysmith Mysteries)
by Terry Korth Fischer

With its sensitive depiction of Native Americans and solid, rich characters, Gone Crazy thoroughly entertained me.
~Novels Alive

About Gone Crazy

Gone Crazy (Rory Naysmith Mysteries)
3rd in Series
Setting – Nebraska
Publisher ‏ : ‎ The Wild Rose Press, Inc. (July 22, 2024)
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 284 pages
ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1509255974
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1509255979
Digital ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D47XQ8WZ
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A formal declaration of love scares the bejesus out of small-town Detective Rory Naysmith. As Valentine’s Day approaches, he evaluates his relationship with bookkeeper Esther Mullins, and decides to take her on a romantic date that ends with a poet’s murder. Assigned to the case, Rory pushes his private life aside. Things gets tricky after Esther is appointed Executrix for the estate—then rumors start that place a priceless item among the poet’s many possessions.

The race is on to unearth the treasure and solve the murder, but it leaves Rory wondering if Esther will live long enough to become his Valentine—or end up as the murderer’s next victim.


My Review

A relatively rare cozy with a man as the principal protagonist! I enjoyed the poor man's struggles with romance, and found both Rory and his love interest, Esther, likeable and relatable characters. Though other characters were a little less well developed, I was quickly engaged in the story and found myself reading fast. It was interesting to watch Rory putting things together and trying to read people who he really doesn't understand.
Though the mystery was interesting and intriguing, I admit to finding the conclusion a bit confusing as to motives and intentions of the perp. It's an exciting moment, though, and I was reasonably satisfied. I wouldn't mind learning more of what happens to Rory and Esther (and what happened in the past; as usual when I jump into a series anywhere but the beginning I am itchy to know what I've missed).

All in all, a good vacation read, which is exactly where I read it.

And now, a visit from the author!

Paying It Forward--a guest post by author Terry Korth Fisher

When I began my writing journey, I learned much from others who were willing to mentor, encourage, and share their knowledge. I was stuck in a vacuum despite my overwhelming desire to write. Beyond the joy of creating, I needed a magic door that, once opened, blessed me with an understanding of the literary world, its terminology, and the 'gotta' versus the 'shouldn't.' Indeed, other writers opened this door and made my journey less scary, hazardous, and finally navigable. I will be forever grateful for their generosity.

I pay it forward by sharing what I've learned in a series of co-presented writing workshops at the local library with Teresa Trent, a fellow author and friend. We don’t receive pay, input, or feedback from the library. However, they appreciate our efforts and always respectfully accept our proposals. We consider it a labor of love. We have done a dozen sessions on various writing-related topics—marketing, editing, best practices, writing crafts, and author skills—and will do more.

I admit we undertook our first workshop several years ago with the idea of blatant self-promotion—if we could get in front of an audience, we’d build a following, sell more books, and have it made! That didn’t happen. However, what did happen was more rewarding than selling another book.

Each workshop lesson requires a PowerPoint presentation and several handouts. We spend time on research, practice sessions, and, of course, the actual workshop presentation hours. You might ask why we invest so much for so little. The answer is that preparing the lessons strengthens our writing skills and keeps us informed on current trends. Leading them helps us repay those who helped us discover our passion. But most of all, our encouragement and enthusiasm in these sessions boomerangs. Do you know the feeling you get from attending a writer's conference, the one that fires you up and gets your creative juices flowing? Leading workshops does that for me. A lively discussion, a class participant experiencing an “ah-ha” moment, or someone sitting back with a sparkle in their eye is heartfelt. I always leave the library pumped up and ready to write another WIP chapter.

Not all who attend our workshops are writers or want-to-be-published authors. The workshops also attract accomplished local artists, readers, and the curious. Our most thought-provoking comments often come from those who don't aspire to write. I felt especially pleased at the Publishing Workshop session when the children’s librarian sent her husband to us so he could learn how it's done.

Sharing is a way to pay it forward. Writing is not a competition, although many writers are reluctant to advise aspiring writers, fearing they might displace them. In truth, encouraging others to enter the business and do it with the right tools will bring quality writing to the market and attract more readers. Hopefully, those readers will keep coming back for more. Readers are what we are about. The better writers write, the more readers we can create—Pay it forward.

Why wouldn't we want everyone to know what we know and have as much fun as we do?


About Terry Korth Fischer

Terry Korth Fischer is the author of Rory Naysmith Mysteries, a cozy-crime series featuring a seasoned city detective relocated to small-town Nebraska. Transplanted from the Midwest, Terry lives in Houston, Texas, with her husband and two guard cats. When not writing, she loves reading and basking in the sunshine, yet, her heart often wanders to the country’s heartland, where she spent a memorable—ordinary but charmed—childhood. Learn more about Terry on her website:

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FTC Disclosure: I received an ARC of Gone Crazy  from Great Escapes Free Book Tours, and received nothing further from the writer or publisher in exchange for my honest review.  The opinions expressed are my own and those of no one else.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising."  

©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2024
 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated. 

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  1. You're right that there aren't many cozy mysteries with a man as the main character. I'm glad you enjoyed this one.


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