#IWSG: Welcome to 2025

It's... actually the second Wednesday of the month, but we weren't going to post our IWSG posts on New Year's Day, though maybe actually that would be a good day to spend just reading blog posts? Anyway, here we are and I'm delighted to be one of this month's co-hosts. Thanks for visiting!



Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Posting: The first Wednesday of every month is officially Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. Post your thoughts on your own blog. Talk about your doubts and the fears you have conquered. Discuss your struggles and triumphs. Offer a word of encouragement for others who are struggling. Visit others in the group and connect with your fellow writer - aim for a dozen new people each time - and return comments. This group is all about connecting!
Don't forget you can post your link on the IWSG Facebook page!
Let’s rock the neurotic writing world!
Our Twitter handle is @TheIWSG and hashtag is #IWSG
The awesome co-hosts for the December 4 posting of the IWSG are  Beth Camp, Liza @ Middle Passages, and Natalie @ Literary Rambles! and yours truly!

Every month, we announce a question that members can answer in their IWSG post. These questions may prompt you to share advice, insight, a personal experience or story. Include your answer to the question in your IWSG post or let it inspire your post if you are struggling with something to say. 

Remember, the question is optional!
January 8 question - Describe someone you admired when you were a child. Did your opinion of that person change when you grew up?

I'm not feeling any inspiration from that question, so I'll just get on with my goals for 2025. I did a review of 2024 last week. I learned a few things last year, so my first goal for 2025 is not to repeat the mistakes of 2024, the biggest of which was trying to do too much and burning myself out a bit. So this year I am laying plans--I have to have trips and hikes to look forward to if I'm to make it through the winter--but not to be gone so much or for more than 3 weeks at a stretch. That's going to be tricky as I work to help my daughter get her new home up and running, requiring probably more than one trip to California with all my tools.

But I really meant to talk about writing plans and goals. First, I need to figure out how to promote my books. I mean, really. I did a virtual book tour for both the Seffi Wardwell mysteries, to celebrate the launch of #2, and... crickets. This goal mostly means I want to find places to sell in person, because that has always given the best results.

The second goal is to edit Seffi #3, Edited Out, and get it out there. I've already got my cover artist working on it and have some notes to start applying some changes I thought of while drafting #4 this fall. I think my leap-frog system of writing and editing is working. I'm hoping for a launch in time for summer, though I'm all messed up, because it's the winter book.

Goal #3 is to actually finish, polish, and submit several short stories that I've started and let drop.

There might be goals numbers 4 and 5, but I'm not sure I'm ready to share them yet. 

How about you? Do you have goals for 2025 you want to share? Personal or  writer goals, we'll cheer for them all!

Obligatory advertising and photo content.




©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2025 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated. 

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  1. I've just started listening to the 6 Figure Author Podcast (something like that), and they have some good information for marketing and such. Though a warning that they subscribe to the rapid release thing, so I think their tactics work better for that. Either way, good luck with your goals!

    1. Thanks! There’s never going to be a rapid-release schedule for me! 😄

  2. Best wishes in 2025. Sounds like you have a lot planned and a lot you want to achieve. Go for it!

    1. Easy to make the travel goals happen. Harder with writing.

  3. Promotions are always tricky. What worked two years ago no longer works now. Hope you get to do a lot of in-person events this year.
    Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. I think sales may have been better than I thought—but they weren’t from Amazon. Curious.

  4. I think you're smart to not tackle too many goals in a year. Marketing is hard. Have you thought of finding a book blogger who arranges blog tours for a fee? It could give your books exposure to new readers, especially if you have a good giveaway like a $50 giftcard. Thanks for co-hosting with me.

    1. I’m always too reluctant to spend money on promotions, since I don’t know what will work. I need to get over that!

  5. Happy IWSG Day. Thanks for co-hosting this month. I like your goals for 2025. I don't really have any specific goals other than to do more than I did last year in terms of writing and hopefully grow my audience. Lovely photo.

    1. Ultimately your goal isn’t that different from mine!

  6. Sounds like a solid plan . . . but the hard part, as we all know, is sticking to it. Not overreaching by expecting to do too much is the first step, and you've got that covered. Looking forward to following your progress ... and learning from it.

    1. Sticking with it is indeed the challenge! I have several groups that help in that direction. Not doing too much is surprising hard for me, when it comes to travel. I tend to say yes to everything!

  7. You have a lot of great photos you share here. Why not set up Instagram, share photos and book covers and quotes from your books (inspiration of where you were and how it became part of the book, etc.) using Canva (free) to create images and make everything the right size. Use loads of appropriate hashtags. There's a whole #bookstagram community there who loves reading.

    Ronel visiting for IWSG day An Author’s Goals for 2025

    1. Thanks--that's a good suggestion. I've resisted adding more social media, because I feel like it can suck so much of my time, but I do gather that Insta can work for writers.

    2. Hang on, that's exactly what Ronel said to me! She may be right, of course :)

  8. Happy New Year! Your goal lists sounds like mine. I have promised myself to go on vacation this year and take Mondays and Sundays off so that I don't burn out and to get my backlog of short stories out there.
    Wishing you all the best and thanks for co--hosting.
    Shalom shalom

    1. I admit to feeling a little guilty that what I was burning out on was vacations! I know how lucky I am to be able to gripe about that.

  9. Happy New Year! I managed to hit my goals last year. Marketing is the hardest thing to do because it changes so often. I also did a blog tour to crickets. But I was reading that it still put our names and book titles out there, which can boost us in search engines. But who knows. :)

    1. I think there was a delayed response, but am bemused that it seems to have come more from Kobo and Apple books, not Amazon. Congrats on hitting your goals!

    2. That's interesting, and good to note.

  10. They don't work for everyone, but Amazon ads turned out to be a game-changer for me. Might be worth a try if you don't already use them. Best of luck in 2025 and thanks for co-hosting.

    1. I haven't tried them. Maybe I should set aside a little "fun money" to experiment with ads. Thanks for the suggestion.

  11. Happy New Year! Thanks for co-hosting!

  12. You still have a lot of great goals for 2025! Here's to reaching each of THEM and...because I know you're not one to sit idle--even MORE.

  13. What better way to get a handle on the new year than by reviewing the last! Great idea. Happy New Year, and thanks for co-hosting.

    1. I think a little looking back and a little looking forward are good ideas, and the change of the calendar as good a time as any to do it.

  14. I still haven't figured out marketing, but I am really good at burning myself out, so I am going to take your advice and be more logical about my goals.

    1. One of my friends had to simply set a goal to say no to things. She has a rubric she uses to decide if she should say yes. My problem is people proposing really cool things I want to do!

  15. You're absolutely right about pacing yourself. I'm finding that a bit of a challenge lately. I'm a senior and have two books waiting for Amazon's approval. It's only been a week, but a week when you're almost 80 seems to go by in a blink. I have two more books waiting for me to finish. I need to focus on having fun in 2025. I hope you have a fun filled year traveling and writing. Blessings

    1. I'm getting together some great plans for the year, though I don't expect to come near my 2024 record of 40 nights on trail.

  16. Good goals. I burnt myself out a few years ago and recovering from that is a difficult slog, so I'm glad you're recognizing the signs in the early stages. May 2025 come up roses! @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

    1. Your blog title sums it up. Balance in all things. I got a little out of balance with travel in 2024, though I can't really regret it!

  17. Happy New Year! I like your goals, and I love that leapfrog system. :)

    1. The leapfrog is working pretty well for me! I basically switch off between writing and editing, except the editing takes about 3X as long as the drafting. But letting the book sit for a year after I finish definitely gives me the distance to approach it with a good editorial mindset.

  18. I'm afraid to set goals for myself. I never seem to achieve them. Instead I have hopes. I hope to finish my sci-fi novella and write a couple new ones. The stories are already in my head. They just need to be typed into my laptop.

    1. Well, I suppose my goals are more hopes. But I do have a secret weapon: a Goal Group with 4 friends, where we hold each other accountable (with lots of love and forgiveness for failures, too) for just a few things each quarter.

  19. Happy new year - good for you for reviewing the year past and then setting goals. May all good things come your way!

  20. Those sound like ambitious but doable goals. Happy 2025!

    1. Not anonymous. Kimlajevardi.com

    2. LOL--Google making it hard to sign in properly. I find Blogger isn't compatible with my iPad these days, which is annoying.

  21. I wish you well in all that you are tackling, Rebecca! You are an inspiration to me! I decided on two resolutions: sleeping more and treating myself kinder. 2024 was quite the year! Good luck helping your daughter. I hope she is not being impacted by the horrific fires in California. My heart goes out to all the people who are suffering such loses. May you have health, happiness, and fulfillment in 2025!

    1. My kids are in the Bay Area (actually, my daughter is still in my guest room, as we don't get possession of the house for another week). I worry a little less there, but they are all going to be living in Oakland soon, and though not in the hills where fire danger is worst (we aren't made of money), it no longer feels like being in the urban zone is safe.

      I like your resolutions. Part of what I have to do is be kinder to myself about sleeping late when I've had a bad night, because I don't seem to be able to control the insomnia.

  22. I think promotion is one of the toughest challenges for most authors.

    Thanks for co-hosting!

    1. Marketing is a very different skill set from spinning tales. I’m impressed by the ones who are good at both.

  23. Those sound like achievable goals. And my No 1 goal is to beta read the third in a series I've been beta reading from day 1. Looking forward to it!
    I'm getting swamped now with opportunities to enter short story competitions. But then I saw a photo on Willowdot's page which was just right for the theme of the new one (which is under 2000 words, so even better)
    Thanks for co-hosting today...yesterday... whenever!

    1. Go for it! I’m going to have a short story in need of a reader very soon, with a submissions deadline at the end of the month. I saw the call for stories and it pushed me to finish something I started months ago. Hooray for things that motivate us!

  24. That's one Writer's goal that I'm setting for myself this year: not to over-due my writing to where I burn myself out. I mostly mean this in the psychological sense. I've too many times bugged myself for not meeting my actual writing goals such as self-made deadlines to where it's put me in unfavorable moods and wearing me out because of. So, I'm just going to do what I can, keep my readers and potential readers updated and let it go from there.

    Thanks to you and the others for co-hosting!

    1. It’s so easy to get sucked into thinking we should all be able to produce at the same rate. You have to do what works for you. And then find the delicate balance between goals that keep you motivated and goals that kill you.

  25. All the best in achieving your goals. Hope you're not going to the L.A. area where I am. A lot of homes that used to be here aren't there anymore. It's really sad.


    1. The LA fires are horrible. No, we are Bay Area folks, and my kids are both settling there. I'm sticking with my own Seattle.

  26. Marketing and promoting your books. This is what scares me, Rebecca, as I try to publish my college memoir. All the luck to you getting dates and gigs to sell in person. This is what I hope to do as well. Happy New Year!

    1. Thanks to my author community, I've found the Northwest Independent Writers Association, which among other things... takes table space at events.

  27. Good luck with your goals. I have a few and most of them should be doable even when life gets chaotic as it often does for me lately.

    1. It's good to have realistic goals. Sometimes life makes it hard, and the goal may be to brush your teeth every day. Any progress is good.

  28. Thanks for co-hosting, Rebecca! I think all of us need better goals to market our books. Good luck to you with your 2025 goals!

  29. It's great you are setting goals for 2025. I must warn you to be on you toes and keep an eye out for the unusual. 2025 started on a Wednesday, followed by a Thursday, and then a Friday. Looking at the top of the calendar, you will find the letters are W T F. Just saying.

  30. Thanks for co-hosting this month!
    For 2024, I did 50-50 of what I wanted to do. I have 1 completed short and two WIPs two-thirds complete. If it wasn't for my unplanned writing sabbatical in the second half of 2024, I'd have two more completed stories. For 2025, I'm cutting back on the WIPs I was working on. And just focusing on three to edit & rewrite, beta reader test and submit to a press or selfpub.


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