Writer's Wednesday: trying to find a groove

It's been an challenging month to be a writer. Since I finished drafting Logged Off at the Library just after Christmas, I've had a lot of distractions as I did battle with a single short story to try to ready it for a deadline at the end of the month. You'd think I could manage 4000 words in 4 weeks, right?

That story is nearly ready, and I'm about to start edits on Seffi Wardwell #3, Edited Out. In addition, I have applied to another artists' residency, though I have not managed any more short story submissions. 

It's my hope to begin writing and sharing new flash fiction pieces in this space. I think the exercise is good, and it can be pleasant to do a little fresh writing while struggling through the lengthy editing process with a new book! 

Meanwhile, I'm learning about and gingerly trying some new things in the area of marketing, always my weakest point as an independent author.

Wish me luck!

Petey Possum does his best to help me write.

©Rebecca M. Douglass, 2025    
 As always, please ask permission to use any photos or text. Link-backs appreciated.    

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  1. I hope you accomplish everything you're hoping to get done. I'm getting into a better writing routine finally after months of being off track. I'm just taking small steps but hoping to get faster at revising my manuscript. I might enjoy writing more if I could finish projects faster.

    1. I would love to get faster at revisions. I think I'm getting better, but not so much faster.

  2. Does Petey also help edit? 😊 Good luck with the flash fiction.

    1. Petey is the strong, silent type and doesn't offer much help :D

  3. Good luck with marketing. It's my weakest point, too.


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