It’s Read an Ebook Week at Smashwords!

I’m a little late jumping on board, but my books are all on sale this week only at Smashwords , so jump on over and get them now! The Ninja Librarian Series: Book 1 ( The Ninja Librarian ) is free, and the others are just $1.00! Pismawallops PTA Mysteries: Death By Ice Cream is free; the others are $1.00 Halitor the Hero, A is for Alpine , and the BookElves Anthologies are all free! Just click here to go to my Smashwords author page and find the books you want! And please—if you read them, consider leaving a review on Smashwords, Goodreads, or any other review site. Authors live and die by reviews; it’s the best thanks you can give for an enjoyable read!