A to Z Highlights #4

Last of my A to Z highlights posts, unless I find some more blogs I just have to share in the last 4 days of the month. For everyone who has ever loved Dilbert or hated work, Words from Sonobe features daily horror stories (or maybe they aren't all horror, just the ones I read?) from work, with a touch of humor. I've been following My Life in Retirement for quite a while. This A to Z its about books and travel. And another in a similar category, A Septuagenarian's Ramblings . Some interesting snippets on writing from Thinky Thoughts...Mostly About Writing . I'll throw in here the second live-on-board blog that Jemima mentioned last week in my comments: S. V. Cambria . They sail where my brother likes to cruise; wonder if they've ever run into each other! The "V" post is lengthy, but some excellent advice about improving your photos. Paws 4 Puzzles offers a fun puzzle every day. Looks like the difficulty varies, but they aren't super simple. I'll...