Photo Friday on Saturday: Crowley Lake Columns

Way back about a million years ago (that would be the start of April), I did that little trip to the Grand Canyon (see previous photo posts). On the way back, I met up with some other friends for a day and a bit, and we visited the Crowley Lake columns. I almost didn't write this up, because I'm not sure I want to call more attention and draw more traffic to the area. I will trust that my readers are not yahoos and will treat the Earth with kindness. For a good explanation of the columns, check out this article . I know enough geology to have sussed out that they are volcanic in origin in some part, and must have had something to do with water. They are also available for study thanks to water--specifically, to the erosive action of waves on the shore of Crowley Lake, a man-made reservoir. Access to the columns is by boat, by a 4- or 5-mile hike, or by 4WD, high-clearance vehicle (yes, this is one that really means it, not a road you can fudge with a Prius). Lucky for us, one o...