
Showing posts with the label Death By Donut

It's a Release Day Party!

Grab some donuts and coffee and join the party... it's Release Day! Nothing ruins your day like a fresh corpse with your coffee Election dayā€™s almost here, and the islandā€™s new pool is on the line. JJ should be all in with the campaign, but when a prominent Island businessman drops dead at her feet in the Have-A-Bite Bakery, someone has a mystery to solve. JJā€™s fiancĆ©ā€”police chief Ron Karlsonā€”is out of town. Who else is there? JJ is missing her sweetheart, tired of the winter rains, and distracted by everybodyā€™s questions about when the weddingā€™s happening. Even more worrying, her foster-daughterā€™s father has failed to show up on schedule. No wonder JJā€™s struggling to wrap this one up before someone else bites into the wrong donut. Thereā€™s no time to lose, because something truly essential is on the line: saving the bakeryā€”and JJā€™s favorite espresso brownies! Death By Donut  Pismawallops PTA Book #5 Amazon Smashwords Kobo B&N Nook Apple Boo...

Writer's Wednesday: It's almost here!

Hey, today the writer is mostly excited because the newest Pismawallops PTA mystery is almost out! And here's a secret: for now, the price for the ebook is just $2.99, but it won't stay that way! Get your pre-order in! Even better: If it's a paperback you want, order directly from me from now to launch day and get Death By Donut plus any one of my other books for just $18, including shipping to the continental US. That's pretty much getting one book for free! (Books will be shipped sometime in the two weeks after launch). Special offer ends May 17, 2021. Check out the stops on the DBD blog tour for interviews and guest posts as well as reviews! DEATH BY DONUT TOUR PARTICIPANTS   May 17 ā€“   Literary Gold   ā€“ SPOTLIGHT   May 17 ā€“   Laura's Interests   - SPOTLIGHT May 18 ā€“   Novels Alive   ā€“ GUEST POST   May 18 ā€“   I'm All About Books   ā€“ SPOTLIGHT   May 19 ā€“   Hearts & Scribbles   ā€“ SPOTLIGHT   May 19 ā€“  ...

Writer's Wednesday: NaNo Update #1

  I like to do a weekly update during November when I'm doing NaNoWriMo (it's another way to procrastinate, right?), to say how I'm doing and see how those of you who are swotting along with me are coming along. By the way, if you want to be buddies on NaNo, I do it under my own name :) So how's my NaNo going, after 12 days? Stats: 23,922 words as of 7 p.m. last night (really hoping as I write this, at 7 p.m. last night, that I can up that before bed). Consistency: Yup. Every day. Average output: around 2000 words, which is my minimum goal (2K/day gets me an 80K draft in 40 days...) Most words in one day: 2967 Fewest, excluding yesterday because of hopefulness: 1069 Less numerically, I'm in the mid-book doldrums. Like my sleuth, JJ MacGregor, I'm flailing around looking for clues as to where all this is going. So, you ask, what about the extensive notes and outline? Still more or less on, and still helpful, but the holes in it you could drive a train through! Ti...