A Visit From Author Chrys Fey

I'm exited to have Chrys Fey here today to talk about her new book, #6 in the "Disaster Crimes" series. She's shared some background on the book and other important news! Here's the beautiful cover to start with: Here's what I asked Chrys: Why did you give Disaster Crimes Book 6 a different title from the rest of the series ( Hurricane Crimes , Seismic Crimes , etc.)? Chrys Fey’s Answer: Book 6 of the Disaster Crimes series is titled A Fighting Chance because it’s featuring a different couple than the previous 5 books and it can be read as a standalone. Thorn and Amanda are the main characters in A Fighting Chance . The previous (unlucky) couple was Beth and Donovan, whom we followed from Hurricane Crimes (Book 1) to Frozen Crimes (Book 5). With a different couple as the focus, I didn’t want to continue the title trend by having the word “Crimes” paired with a word for the disaster that takes place. If I were to do that, readers could...