Photo Friday: Downeast Maine and New Brunswick

One last photo tour from our months in Maine! In late October we traveled "down east" (or "downeast" as we saw it on some signs) to the coast of Maine, and on up to New Brunswick, Canada. Our main objective was Hopewell Rocks Park, near the top of the Bay of Fundy, and home of some of the highest tides in the world, with a tidal variation of up to 52 feet. On our way north, we spent the night at Machias, Maine, with visits to Cobscook Bay State Park and the Cutler Coast preserve. Helen's Diner in Machias had the only moose we saw in Maine. Well, there and LL Bean (equally stuffed). Morning at the Riverside Inn in Machias. The Machias river is tidal at this point, so we looked across the mudflats to the stream in the middle. These first 2 photos are shot on my cell phone, which is why the quality isn't sterling. At Cobscook Bay State Park we found a wonderful campground (closed for the season; this was to become a theme on our trip). Also glacially smoothed v...