#AtoZChallenge #GisFor ...Gorg the Troll

G is for Gorg Following the suggestion of fellow blogger and amazing author Jemima Pett, I'm doing a very simple A to Z with characters from my writing and the books of my author friends! I'm just posting a brief profile, sometimes a quote, and the book cover with links. Though you may also see some of my typical reviews (when I feature other peoples’ books) and the usual Friday Flash Fiction. In a nutshell: Gorg is, well, a troll. He's a living pile of rock and a leader among trolls in the Vegetative Kingdom ruled by King Celery the Halfwit. He's also smarter than the average troll, especially after an encounter with a misguided human wizard. His biggest secret: Gorg is terrified of deep water. Stones sink. Favorite quote: "Gorg gave the innkeeper a blank look—all too easy when one’s face is made of stone." Gorg doesn't have his own book yet...only a very rough draft of one. But I'm going to do my flash fiction for the week (yeah, it's Satur...