Photo Friday: Climbing out of a hole in the ground

I'm ending the year with the final photo post from the Grand Canyon--which was also my last trip of the year (aside from that insane drive to CA and back to check out the house my daughter is buying!). Part 1 here . Part 2 here . We quit last week in the middle of Day 4 of the backpack trip, as we lounged for several hours in the shade at Deer Creek. I'm picking up the story at the point late in the afternoon when we ambled up the creek to the last point with water and ate a very early dinner. Looking up at the canyon walls through the last big trees we'll see, and worrying a little about those clouds. We headed up the trail--and I do mean up--about 3:45, figuring just over 2 hours should be enough for the 2-mile, 1400' climb. The trail was worse than I remembered from my 2021 visit. Looking back at the green strip of Deer Creek. Alex is a tiny figure among the rocks. There was a particularly nasty section of rock slide I swear wasn't there before (though I also can...