#AtoZChallenge #FisFor ... Fred

F is for King Fred of Castle Marsh Here's the skinny on King Fred: In a nutshell: one-time princeling who became a king by a set of curious chances. He may believe in democracy, but its philosophy's not all he thinks it is Biggest secret: While castles obey him in times of need, Fred will never be deposed. Favourite line: This one's from an interview Fred did with author Jemima Pett. It sums him up so well--smart and precise but humble. “No, it’s really The Castle In The Marsh, but we let people call us Castle Marsh because otherwise it seems so pedantic.” I have reviewed most (all?) of the Princelings books as they came out. Here are links to those that feature Fred and his twin, George: Princelings of the East The Princelings and the Pirates The Princelings and the Lost City Since there are so many books, follow this link to Jemima's Amazon page for purchases, and get ready to enjoy the Princelings! And now for a special treat, I am re-r...