Mystery Blogger Award
The Mystery Blogger Award was given to me by Jemima Pett in mid-June. I don't usually do these things, and I'm only half doing this. That is, I won't be tagging others to receive the award, not because I don't think the blogs I follow are super (because many of them are), but because it feels too much like a chain letter. But since Jemima tagged me, I'm going to answer her questions and I'll toss out some of my own for you to answer in the comments! The Rules Rule 1: Put the award logo/image on your blog. See above. Rule 2: List the rules. … here…. Rule 3: Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog. Thank you, Jemima Pett . I really appreciate the kind thoughts and kind words, not to mention your constant support of my blog and my books. Rule 4: Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well. About the creator: Okoto Enigma’s blog The creator’s name, Enigma, means mystery , thus the title of the Mystery Blogger Award. Rule ...