Photo Wednesday: Kaweah Basin, Part IV

Okay, that doesn't alliterate, but I wanted to finish up my trip report and still participate in Flashback Friday this week, so here it is! When last seen, we were high up along Picket Creek, working our way down out of the Kaweah Basin. We pick up our story on Day 7 . Another day, another gorgeous morning in the mountains! That's pretty much how it went, and usually does if you're willing to get up early enough. We enjoyed a view up the valley to Picket Guard Peak, ate our breakfast, and began what we expected to be a moderately long day. The creek expanded and contracted in a maze of rocks and water that almost rose to the rank of "lake," all of it evidence of the glaciers that passed through long ago. Walking the dragon's back. Not far downstream we came on a lake in about a perfect setting. We kind of wished we'd gone a little farther the day before. From the far rim of the lake, we could see where we needed to go. Yup, need to go way back down there,...