Photo Friday and Smashwords Sale!

So, before I get into sharing more photos from Antarctica, you have to hear about the Smashwords Summer/Winter sale. All my books are on sale, and for this first week of July, they are 75% off, which means the ones usually 99 cents are free--a great chance to get in at the start of each series! Jump on the chance, because I'm going to reduce the percentage off each week, unless I forget (yeah, I'm not really expecting great things of myself). Find my books at my Author Page and stock up! Just missing the latest, Death By Library and The Christmas Question--but you'll find them all on sale at Smashwords! Okay, now for Antarctica #6, Cierva Harbor Zodiac Cruise As with my last photo post, I'm offering minimal commentary. This was the next-to-last day of landings and adventures, and as you will see, weather was damp and dreary, but even under those conditions the light in Antarctica could be beautiful. Coming into the harbor in the morning. First view, an Argentine base....