#AtoZChallenge E is for Eva Hudson

Following the suggestion of fellow blogger and amazing author Jemima Pett, I'm doing a very simple A to Z with characters from my writing and the books of my author friends! I'm just posting a brief profile, sometimes a quote, and the book cover with links. Though you may also see some of my typical reviews (when I feature other peoples’ books) and the usual Friday Flash Fiction. E is for Eva Husdson In a Nutshell: Eva Hudson is a new wave 1930s teen, who thinks school is a breeze and has a great head on her shoulders. From an early age, she has known she didn’t want to be 'normal'. She wants a life full of challenge and adventure that will break her from the stereotype of the times. Biggest Secret: While her mind is full of great dreams, her biggest secret is that she's still figuring out the detail. Whatever she ends up doing, it will be something that makes a difference. I haven't reviewed these books myself, but I will direct you to this review by...