Flashback Friday: Random Theories (2012)

Continuing my search through my earliest blog posts, I found this one from November, 2012, and it tickled my funny bone. In the intervening 9 years, the kids who wore me out have grown into wonderful adults who will carry some of my stuff if we are backpacking, but the issues with gravity have grown more troublesome. Friday, November 2, 2012 Random Absurd Theories Revisions are on track! I've finished the first rewrite, aside from some typing. Bouncing between that and my activities aimed at getting a bond measure passed for our suffering local schools has me exhausted but feeling like I'm at least doing something. So, for amusement, I'll offer some of the random thoughts that occupy my brain at off moments. Sometimes, just for fun, I like to invent absurd theories to explain things. Here we find a few: Pay the Gravity Bill There's an old Calvin and Hobbes comic strip in which Calvin discovers his Dad didn't pay the gravity ...