Weekend Photos: Airplane photography

My recent trip to Tucson gave me two flights with some amazing photo opportunities. I am definitely that person who has the window shade up and my face plastered to the glass looking at everything, and this time it was truly rewarding. On the way down, I left under a cloud cover, but we quickly rose above it, and did about as close a fly-by of Mt. Rainier as I've ever done. As we passed beyond Rainier, I got to look over at some of the mountains through which I hiked last summer. Then we flew almost directly over Mt. Adams. At this point, we were angling well to the east, and as I was on the east side of the plane, the rest of the Cascade volcanoes were out of sight to me. I trust some of the people on the west side were looking at them. Meanwhile, we passed over the Columbia River. Pretty sure that's the Highway 97 bridge, which we crossed back at the beginning of December on our way home from California. A fairly long period of unidentifiable eastern Oregon, and Nevada follo...