Monday Marmots

The Ninja Librarian has gone hiking.* While we are away, here are some marmots for you. *This also means that responses to comments will be delayed. There's no internet in the mountains, and if there were the NL wouldn't use it. So: marmots. I believe the marmots in question, from Sequoia National Park, are yellow belly marmots. I never before saw a marmot washing its face. Keeping watch This guy was watching our camp last year in a different part of the Park. They crave salt, and will chew any kind of gear or clothing to get it. I'm pretty sure he was eyeing my boots. These guys are all lovely. Marmots are cute and furry and a lot of fun to watch. As a public service, I'm adding a photo that's not so lovely. This is a spot called Lonely Lake. It took us 3 days to reach it, two days off trail. And what did we find? Someone's trash. Not from a hiker, this time. From someone who either carelessly or deliberately let go a mylar balloon. If we hadn't carried it ...