A to Z Gems Post #3

Okay, round 3, and I'll see if I manage to get it right this time! I'm clicking on a lot of blogs in the middle of the A to Z list that haven't been posting. I'm hoping the list will get tidied up soon, but meanwhile, here are some I've found that were worth the visit: Life aboard a sailboat: Life Afloat Some good (short) poems (plus a nice punning blog title): The Write Side of the Bed Some hesitation about this one, as the blogger hasn't posted since K, but the pictures are lovely if you just want to go look at photos: Beth Cooper Photography Wendy's Waffle will take you on a tour...of London's tube stops! All in a Dad's Work --a parenting blog that seems to have it's head screwed on straight (or maybe I'm biased because he advocates going outside and getting dirty, a favorite around our house). And that's all I have time for tonight! Can't believe another Wednesday is rolling around already. ###### Still nearly two weeks to get De...