Writer’s Wednesday

The big news: we are back in the USA, and on the same day as my family! Since we have been on the road so much this month, I haven’t been posting regularly. Nor have I been writing much besides my journal. But I have been thinking about a couple of things. One is a short story that I will probably pop out in a week or two, and the other is what it is I need to do with Gorg the Troll. I was re-inspired by seeing quite a lot of rocks lately that are what I think of as Gorg and his kinfolk! I think at some point I’ll run a contest for the best photo of a face in a rock—when I am ready to start promoting the Gorg book :) A final note: I could still use another reader or two for the beta draft of Death By Library . I unfortunately forgot to mention this with my WEP post, but I’ll be sharing that need for the next severeal posts. Just drop me a note in the comments if you want to read for me, or send an email through the “Contact Me” page of this blog. This one might not be Gorg so much as G...