Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale!

All of my books are discounted or free as part of the huge Smashwords Summer/Winter sale ! That link will take you to the main sale page, your portal to thousands of books free or deeply discounted. But you don't want just any books. You want MY books. And you shall have them. Just go HERE and you'll find them all, none for more than $1.00! This sale is only good a, but here's the good news: when you buy my books from Smashwords, you can download whatever version you need, and you can do more than one. Buy Death By Ice Cream at Smashwords, and you can download a .mobi file for your Kindle, and an epub file for your Nook. All I ask is that you do them for only your own devices. Here's another secret: Smashwords pays authors better than Amazon does. Are you surprised? So pop on over and get some fantastic books! (While you're there, pick up mine, too.)