WEP Horrorfest!
Although the WEP group--Write...Edit...Publish--has ceased regular operation, our wonderful leaders brought it back with an October prompt to write about what terrifies us. To see the contributions, check the list on the WEP page . I've been needing some motivation to write flash fiction, so I'm happy to have this nudge, even if horror isn't my thing. We are meant to provide a tag-line for the story, so here's mine: On a gloomy wet day, a writer discovers what is truly terrifying in a world that can seem hostile all around. 835 words, full critique acceptable. True Terror What terrifies you? What makes you shake in your shoes and go watery at the knees? It may not be what you think. I’m afraid of heights. Well, not really heights. I like mountain tops. I just don’t like edges. The feeling that I could fall, and can imagine just what it feels like when I hit the bottom. That’s bad enough, but a person can manage it, mostly by staying away fr...