This month the IWSG has a prompt (maybe we do every month? I can be so slow to pick up on these things). That's convenient, because I didn't know what to write about this time, except to fret some more because I'm not actually writing this summer. So far, I'm mostly traveling. Which is totally cool, except...my book! It's not happening! Okay, so the prompt is What's the best thing someone has ever said about your writing? It looks so easy. It would be easy just to say it's , "When's the next book coming?" and that's even fairly true. I mean, especially the first time a reader indicated how eager she was for the next book it was a total thrill. And basically every time someone leaves a comment on my blog (especially on the flash fiction) telling me that they loved the story I just posted, I pretty much do a happy dance. But maybe the best thing anyone has ever said was about my first published book, The Ninja Librarian . The president of...