First Friday Photo: Grand Canyon Part 3

I'm linking up this week with the F irst Friday Photo bloghop from Many Worlds From Many Minds. If you like to post photos, join in and help Eden Mabee grow this start-up hop. Part 1 of this series was up on the South Rim . Part 2 took us down the Bright Angel trail and out the Tonto West Trail to Horn Creek . Below the Rim, Days 2 & 3: Tonto West to Monument and Granite Rapids One thing about cowboy camping (no tent) is that you wake up when it starts to get light. Our first morning I was up and prowling for photos by 6. The South Rim is somewhere up there. Horn Creek Eventually we got on the trail, with about 8 miles of the Tonto West to cover and temperatures rising. This part doesn't need a lot of narration! Love the geometric daggers of the agave. Last year's blossom. The plant dies after blooming. Indian Paintbrush is a reliable flower just about anywhere, and one of my favorites. Some species of prickly pear. Despite the distance we've come down, the river is...