Flash Fiction Friday:
Last week the Wendigos invented new monsters . This week, we got to make up some new gods or goddesses. I figured there isn't a lot of demand for new gods, but I found a need. Welcome to Valhalla “Welcome to Valhalla. Is this your first visit to the Halls of the Gods?” “Ah, yes. I’m new.” “Name?” The Welcome Entity consulted a list written on what appeared to be parchment.” “Don’t you have a computer?” “It’s nothing to exclaim over. Just tell me your name.” The Welcoming Entity sounded cross now. “Bob Finklestein.” “No God is named Bob Finklestein. It isn’t done.” The newcomer turned red. “I forgot. Like I said, I’m new. My name is Ai. A-I. I was just an ordinary chap until I was made a god.” The Welcoming Entity made a note. A short one, of the god-name. “We haven’t needed a new god for eons. What makes you so special?” “I never said I was special. Just new.” The W.E. shrugged that off. “Like I said, there’s been no one new since the naked mole rats got organized and demanded a g...